Introduction: TheDunkis' Oodassault Pistol Version 3.6

About: Just an aging K'nex launcher builder
Yep it's finally here. Really all I needed to do was add different steps for the new magazine to the other instructable but I figured I'd give you better instructions this time. This should be easier to build with clearer pictures and a better process of putting the gun together. I decided to make the gun in layers instead of of sections. Anyways onto the specs of this gun.

5 layered, compact design
Very simple two part trigger
Sliding Magazine Tilter
Simple safety mechanism
12 Round magazine

Range is...I don't know. I never measured but in theory it should be a just a bit more than the average oodammo pistol as the trigger draws back further and the magazine is a little farther forward.
Accuracy is near perfect horizontally. Mine has an interesting hop to it though. I'm not sure if it will be the same with yours or with different oodammo pistols but it's nice in my opinion as I don't have to compensate for gravity. Humans are rather tall targets anyways. =p
It's as durable as it needs to be. I wouldn't throw it at a concrete wall but it manages to survive a fall from 5 feet.

Step 1: Right Outer and Inner Layer

Like I said, We'll be building the gun by layers. There aren't that many directions to follow for that reason. It should be relatively easy to follow but feel free to ask questions if you're stuck.

1. These are how all the black hands connect to the white rods in the next picture.
2. This is the very outer right layer. Pretty simple right?
3. This is a layer in. Still pretty simple. The black hands connect to the white rods normally now.
4. Put the last layer on top of the other layer. Just line up the holes and put the white rods though them. This is what makes the gun relatively durable for a compact gun.

Yeah...not too hard. Moving on.

Step 2: Middle Layer

This is where all the magic happens. 'nuff said.

1. Top of the barrel. Easy, easy, easy. I don't even know why I keep adding these little comments to each line...
2. This is probably the most complicated part of the instructable. The modified orange piece isn't needed. I figured it would be a piece most people would have from pieces breaking. Use a dark grey if you really don't have one. It's not a big deal.
3. The trigger. I told you it was simple. It doesn't matter if you use the blue cap or not. I'm not sure what the difference would feel like.
4. Add all of the parts like shown.

Step 3: Inner and Outer Left Layers

It's exactly the same as the right layers of course.

1. Grab these.
2. Grab all these and put together whatever shown.
3. Put that at the back of the gun here. Put all the black hands while you're at it.
4. Connect all the parts like shown.
5. Make these.
6. Add the parts as shown. The black hands should just click onto the ends of the white rods stick out.

Step 4: Extra Bits for Comfort

These aren't required. I just like having them.

1. Grab all these.
2. Add the light greys (or oranges in my case) on each side like so.
3. Slide the tan into the hole here. It's not as hard as it may seem.
4. Slide the dark greys (or purples in my case) in like so.

Step 5: Magazine

It's pretty basic. Nothing much else to say.

1. They're exactly the same. Build them both.
2. Gather all of these.
3. Put the magazine together. Should be easy enough to figure out.
4. Grab another white rod and put it in the hole. Then connect the black hands to it.

Step 6: Make It Work

Adding the rubber bands and such. Just follow the images like usual.

1. Everything you'll need. I don't know what kind of rubber bands you have so just use whatever works. The firing pin has two #64s wrapped around and in front of the orange. I'm not sure how strong you can make the gun but I think the gun will give before the pin will.
2. Trigger bands goes around like this.
3. Two rubber bands will work best to keep the pin balanced.
4. Use as many bands as you need depending on what rubber band you'll use for the magazine pusher. You'll want to make sure it's strong enough to resist the force of a full magazine but weak enough that you can actually tilt the magazine.
5. However you wrap whatever rubber band you have, make sure that it pulls towards the front so that the pusher will lock when pulled down.

And now the gun is functional just not set up.

Step 7: Loading and Firing

Ooo our favorite part of K'nex weapons!

1. This isn't required to load the gun. I just figured I'd show you now. This is the safety. Just cock the gun and twist the trigger guard so the blue cap fits in between the gap in the trigger.
2. Oodammo. Now. Get it. 12 exactly. Or whatever you want. I just used 5 for this example.
3. Pull the pusher down until it's locked own like so. Depending on your bands it should be relatively solid but I would be careful about making any quick movements while loading.
4. Pull the sliding tilter back. Be careful not to do it too hard or you'll snap it off. Easy fix though. Add as many pieces of oodammo as you want up to 12. This gun can also use clips I just didn't bother showing how.
5. Let go of the slide, pop the mag pusher, and turn off the safety. Now you're ready to go. For best results, point away from your face. I wouldn't shoot anyone else outside of war. Go ahead though if you want as long as you know I'm not responsible and yada yada... sue the parents for not supervising the child if he manages to hurt someone, not me.