Introduction: Thermometer Using a Thermistor.
This is the thermometer using a thermistor and a resistor only. You can also monitor and store the temperature
of your room or anything at any time. You can also monitor the previously stored data on the thingsio.
Step 1: Things You Need.
In this project you will need :
- NodeMCU (esp8266)
- 1 k Resistor
- Thermistor
Step 2: Circuit Diagram and Connections.
Step 3: Code for NodeMCU
Just copy and paste the code in your Arduino ide and replace the device id with your device id and upload the code. (See video for help)
Step 4: Connecting to
Go to the following link and create a new account.
1. Then click on the new project
2. Enter project name and click on create.
3. Enter device name. ( for example thermometer ).
4. Click on add new property.
5. In property name you have to write temperature and in the property type select Integer.
6. Then select energy parameter and in transformation select none.
7. Finally click on update device.
8. A new window will open here on top left corner you will find device id.
9. Copy and paste this device id to your code.
10. Upload the code .
Watch the video for full Explanation.