Make a Billboard From a Broken LCD TV. By VuN33 in CircuitsLEDs2,48773FeaturedIntroduction: Make a Billboard From a Broken LCD TV.By VuN33Follow More by the author: About: Love technology. More About VuN33 »From a broken tv screen. I came up with the idea of making it an advertisement.Step 1: I Used the Segmented LEDs. Use 5 LEDs for This 32 Inch TVStep 2: Equalize the Led Segments for BalanceStep 3: The Wires Connected the Leds Together. Then Use Silicone Glue to Fix ThemStep 4: Once Fixed, It Will Look Like ThisStep 5: The Reflective Part of the Tv. You Paste the Decal on the Top of the Reflective SheetStep 6: This Is the Decal Sheet. You Print the Size to Fit the TvStep 7: Remove the Decal. Using a Glass Cleaner Makes It Easy to Glue Onto a Reflective SheetStep 8: Use a Glass Cleaner Tool to Remove Excess WaterStep 9: After Completing the Installation of the Border AroundStep 10: The Power for the Leds Themselves Is 12v 10A. Behind the ScreenStep 11: Use a Drill to Fit the Switch Behind the TvStep 12: Step 13: Step 14: Use Silicon Glue to Fix the SwitchStep 15: Replace the TV CoverStep 16: Full the Video Assemble.