Introduction: Thomas Bangalter Alive 2007 Helmet Replica
Hello! This is my first submission to Instructables. I was going to make it in to an Instructable, but a lot of things came up and I didn't have time. Well, here it is. Its not perfect, (I had to make it in less then a week and a half) and this was my first time making anything like this what so ever. The helmet is flat black with red sound controlled EL wire. I wore this for Halloween, and I got a lot of attention from it! helped me a lot through out this time consuming process. It took forever and it took a lot of sanding but it was worth it! I might be making an Instructable soon-ish. Please vote for my Slideshow in the Halloween Contest. (Oh, and I'm Sorry most of the pictures are really blurry, I had to use my cell phone camera). Constructive Criticism is welcome!