Introduction: Three Steps to Better Grades!

There are many benefits to getting good grades in high school. High marks can help you get into your ideal college or qualify for scholarships that require academic excellence. Read on for three key tips to help you study better and improve your grades.

Step 1: Step 1: What Motivates You?

Do you want to attend a prestigious university, or do you thrive in competitive situations? Think about the factors that motivate you to perform at an academically high level, and set realistic goals that are challenging but attainable. A few ideas for academic goals include finishing every reading assignment before class, getting straight As in every class for one semester, pursuing extra credit assignments or keeping your grade point average above a certain level.

Rewarding yourself is a great way to stay motivated. Rewards can include buying something for yourself or even going out to dinner with friends. You might even involve your parents as accountability partners who reward you for academic success. Despite the challenges you may encounter, such as difficult assignments or a low quiz grade, remember to stay committed. Instead of having a pity party when things go south, chart a path for future success and take action.

Step 2: Step 2: Stay Organized

Being organized is an important component of academic success. You can manage your time efficiently by getting a physical or digital calendar. Set timelines for short- and long-term goals and due dates for school work. Make sure to leave space for extracurricular activities and socializing.

Keeping your study space neat can help you concentrate and make it easier to find important textbooks and notes. This also applies to your notebooks and binders: Organize your notes by class and date in a system that you find intuitive and efficient.

Step 3: Step 3: Develop Good Study Habits

Not only will the study habits you develop now improve your high school grades, they will carry you into college and beyond. Follow these basic tips and watch your work improve:

  • Attend class regularly and arrive on time
  • Review assigned readings and notes before each class
  • Complete assignments in advance - don't procrastinate!
  • Tackle larger projects in manageable increments
  • Allow ample study time to avoid cramming the night before a big exam

Step 4: