Introduction: Three Ways to Make LED Flasher Circuit With Rate Control and Alternate Flashing

Flasher Circuit is a circuit in which the LED blinks ON and OFF at a rate influenced by the capacitor used.

Here, I will show you three different ways to make this circuit using:

1. Transistors

2. 555 Timer IC

3. Quartz Circuit

LDR can also be used to control flashing speed.

Two LEDs can be used to achieve alternate flashing.

Step 1: Components Required

These are the Components Required for making the circuit:

1. Using Transistors (0:21)

• Transistors: BC 547 (2)

• Resistors: 47 K Ω (2), 330 Ω(2)

• Capacitor: 10 μF (2)

• LEDs (2)

2. Using 555 Timer IC (1:51)

• 555 Timer IC

• Resistors: 10K, 1K, 330Ω

• Capacitor: 100 μF


3. Using Quartz Circuit (3:43)

• Quartz Circuit [from wall clock mechanism]


Other Requirements :

• Battery: 9V and battery clip

• Breadboard

• Breadboard Connectors

Step 2: Circuit Diagrams

These are the Circuit Diagrams for making the circuit using :

  • Transistors
  • 555 Timer IC
  • Quartz Circuit

Step 3: Step-by-Step Tutorial

This video shows step-by-step, how to build all these circuits.