Introduction: Three Gun Vertical Gun Case

I built this gun case for my son in law for his birthday I tried to make it as special as I could. I started with clear white pine 1x4 stock and the over all dim. are 26'X52"X6". The only tools I own are a palm sander and a cordless drill so I had to borrow a jigsaw and drill bits along with a few other things to finish the project but I got it finished and it turned out great.. First I cut the boards for the box 2-1x4x501/2, 2-1x4x26, I glued and screwed the box together and pluged the screw holes. Next I cut the facing boards 2-1x4x52, 2-1x2x19, I glued and nailed these boards on the face of the box and countersunk the nail heads and putted over them. Then I cut out the hangers for the guns using 1x4 stock i started by centering 2inch circles 7inches apart and markinking an angle along the top that looked right and rounding off the front at a 90 degree angle to the center line. After cuting out the first one i used it for a pattern for the second one. I cut out for a 1x2 to go a the top and bottom of the back for hangers. I installed the hangers with screws and glue and pluged the holes. Next I installed the wall hangers made from 1x2x501/2 they had two screw holes predrilled on 16 inch centers.these were installed with glue and screws. I closed the back up with 1/4" plywood glued and nailed. The doors were made from 1x3 stock with mortise joints glued and nailed. The back was routed out to hold the glass. I drilled a 3/4 hole for the door lock on the right hand door. The left hand door has a bolt lock on the bottom inside of the inside of the door. I used regular cabinet hinges for the doors they were set 2 inches from top and bottom. I finished the cabinet in dark oak with two coats of sand sealer and two coats of polyurethane. it turned out real good I think for what I had to work with. If I had of had an engraver I could have done so much with it I could have made it extra special with etched glass maybe with wildlife scenes on it along with lazer engraved wood work with his name on it. Iwould have made it so so special for him for he has done so much for me and my wife and he didn't have to he is the dream son-in-law if I won the engraver I would definitly put it to good use I would use it to supplement my disability income and pay back my daughter and son-in-law for all they have done.