Introduction: Thrift Store Fedora to a Wonderfully Studded Fedora Hat

One day I was passing by a thrift store and decided to go in. There I found a fedora hat, the tag said it had a defect. And it had! It's ribbon was torn off, but the price was too good to leave the hat in the store. So I bought it and now I'm gonna show you how I repaired it.

Step 1: What You'll Need

First of all you'll need a damaged or just boring fedora hat. Mine had no ribbon. But if you just don't like the original hatband, tear it off carefully and replace it with studded one.
Then you'll need 
  • * a new ribbon or some fabric to make a ribbon,
  • * scissors,
  • * measuring tape,
  • * chalk for drawing on fabric,
  • * triangular ruler with 45 degree angle,
  • * some pins and thread,
  • * and of course - STUDS.

Step 2: Making the Hatband 1

*If you have a ready-made ribbon, you can skip to step 4.

Measure your hat's perimeter where the ribbon will be. Add to this measurement about 1,5 - 2 cm for seams.
Using the triangular ruler draw a line on the fabric in 45  degree against the grain line. This will make the ribbon fit the hat better. I didn't have enough fabric, so I had to draw two ribbons, which I sew together later.
The hatband I'm making will be about 3 cm wide. So I drew 7 cm wide fabric ribbons.
Then I sew my fabric ribbons together to make one long ribbon.

Step 3: Making the Hatband 2

Now fold your fabric ribbon in half, face of the fabric inside; pin the sides and sew together.
Then turn it inside out and iron it flat. Then cut one end so it's straight. It'll make next step easier.

Step 4: Making the Hatband 3

Put the new ribbon around your fedora and pin it, so it doesn't move.
Mark where the ribbon should end including the seam allowance and cut off the ribbon.
Count your studs and calculate the space between them on the ribbon. I had 12 studs and the hat circumference was 61 cm, so I put them every 5 cm (61/12=5,03 cm). Mark where the studs should be.

Step 5: Sewing the Studded Hatband Onto the Hat

Put the studs on the ribbon, where you marked.
Put the studded ribbon around the hat and on it. Fold one end of the ribbon in and hand stitch it.
Then hand stitch the ribbon all around the hat, so the new hatband wouldn't fall off.
Voilà! You have your new studded fedora hat!

Thanks for reading and enjoy wearing your fedora!