Introduction: Ti-84 Basic Disassembly

How to disassemble your Ti-84 or Ti-84 silver.

Tools needed:
1) Torex #7 (t-7) screw driver
2) Small Phillips screw driver

Step 1: Remove Battery Cover

Remove main battery cover and take out batteries.

Step 2: Remove Backup Battery Cover

Remove the back up battery cover, this will require a Phillips screw driver. After cover has been remove *take out the back up battery.*

Taking out the backup battery will clear your system RAM, which means that all of your saved programs will be gone.

Step 3: Remove Rear Cover.

Use your Torx screw driver to remove the 6 screws noted below.

Step 4: Remove 4 Rear Screws.

After removing all 4 screws take a flathead screw driver or a knife and gently pry the 2 halves of the cover apart at each corner. You will hear it pop a few times, after prying a little cover should come off with ease.

Now that you have removed the rear cover you should see a foil backing over the main circuit board, to remove this you will have to first remove the 2 screws marked below.

Step 5: Remove Circuit Board.

Now you need to remove the other 4 circuit board screws.
After removing the last 4 screws the circuit board should be loose, lift up on it carefully to avoid flinging keys everywhere (sometimes the keypad will stick to the circuit board).

Step 6: Keypad

If your keypad didn't come out when you took the circuit board out it will look like this. Just take you keypad out and your Ti-84 is completely dissembled.

Step 7: Finished!

Now your ti-84 is completely dissembled. Do with it as you please, in my case my keys were sticky so I used some isopropyl alcohol to clean them off.