Introduction: Tight Spaces and Detail Sanding Tool
Have you ever ended up in a situation where it is nearest impossible to reach using an electric sander?
Hurt your fingers when trying to sand the toughest and tightest spots?
remove too much of the workpiece due to little control of electric sander?
I have ....
I needed a tool that was small, handy and easy to work with.
This is my approach to make that sanding tool.
Step 1: Parts You Need:
What you need for the tool:
1 *1 set of the 3D printed parts
2 *1 piece M4 HEX head bolt 50 mm long
3 *1 piece M4 nut
If you dont have an M4 HEX head 50 mm long bolt, you can use a thread rod with M4 locknut. Same length applies with threaded rod (50mm)
Step 2: 3D Print a Set of Tool Parts:
I used ABS filament when I made the 3D printed parts.
* Note: I do not see any reason why other materials should not be used.
Recommended 3D printer settings:
2 mm top and bottom layer thickness
2 mm wall thickness
0.2mm layer thickness
25% in fill
Step 3: Assembling Tight Spaces and Detail Sanding Tool.
step 1:
Install the M4 lock nut on the threaded rod.
(If M4x50 hex head is used, you can skip this step)
step 2:
Install the M4 nut into the nut trap on 3D printed part.
step 3:
insert threaded rod assembly through tight spaces and detail sanding tool thumbwheel.
Then slide through the hole that goes through tight spaces and detail sanding tool wedge.
Then slide through the hole leading into the nut trap in Tight spaces and detail sanding tool body. Rotate the Tight spaces and detail sanding tool thumb wheel so that the threaded rod engages with M4 nut located in nut trap.
It is now ready to find sand paper and start sanding.
Step 4: Preparing Sandpaper:
Locate the desired sandpaper and mark width and length with a marker on sand paper. Use a knife or scissors that you are not afraid will be blunt.
Width = 2.4 CM x length 20.5 CM