Introduction: Tiny Auto-measuring Cap With Mini Without Battery_part_2

About: As a young kid, my curiosity in electronics was compelling.... why does thunder interrupt the radio reception? ....why does ROBOTs run without any wire?.... and I've been hooked on making thing ever since.

between the astronauts, the bases, the space-station, the Earth.

the most important thing is the communication!

EX : It's the link between the space-station to the Earth.

and you need a remote probe to fly into an area for information.

In outer space

1)the weight must be light:not take things that unused(think of all in one).

2) a bit AI : for RADIO, you could manually operate turning instead of


3)consume the energy: have to operate without battery.

Step 1: Material

i use 2 SSDs and 2 LEDs

to display the value and scale for all resistor i use 330 OHM to limits the current down. because the arduino mini have the MAX current limits ! and then one LED is for the decimal point, the other LED is as uF indicator. i use a solar panel instead of 3v battery.

Step 2: Tools and Range

i use 2 SSDs and 2 LEDs

to display the value and scale for all resistor i use 330 OHM to limits the current down. because the arduino mini have the MAX current limits ! and then one LED is for the decimal point, the other LED is as uF indicator. i use a solar panel instead of 3v battery..

Step 3: Open the Phone Line Box and Clean All

use the "+" screw driver to remove all the copper bars and all the screws.

Step 4: Cutout the Hole for SSD

use the cutter to cut the cover of phone line box.
in order to embed the Seven Segment Displayer parts.

Use the hand drill to drill 2 holes in order to

show the u led and to show the point led.

Step 5: Prototype With Breadboard

it is a cap mark 331 pF,

in order to measure it i use the 2.2M OHM to charge.

the first PHOTO is c = 0 pF, and

the second PHOTO is c = 330 pF.

use cutter to shorten the PCB, in order to fit it into the cover.
i didn't connect to the second digit to display

the "F" because the MAX current limits too !

Step 6: Testing

after soldering the resistors and mini.
And make some test.(4.7uF, 100nF, 0.66nF)


1)C<99.9 uF then turn ON c', d', e' .

2)C<1 uF then turn ON c', e', g' .

Step 7: Fixed the PCB With Hot Glue

use the hot glue gun to fixed the PCB on the cover.

Step 8: Coding

Step 9: Fixed the Solar Panel

i use a hot glue gun to fixed the solar panel on the back !

a bit feature:

Since you could auto-measuring the capacitors, and then

the next thing you could do is making a network (RF TANK)

auto-turning !