Introduction: TinyScreen Assembly
Step 1: Materials
The TinyScreen Basic kit comes with a TinyScreen, USB TinyShield, TinyDuino Processor (with lithium battery charging support), and a lithium polymer battery. The Basic kit can be found on our Kickstarter page here.
Step 2: Assembly
To assemble your TinyScreen module simply stack the three boards on top of each other as shown in the pictures above.
Step 3: Charging the Battery
To charge the battery, plug the battery into the TinyDuino, and stack the USB board on top of the processor. When the boards have been put together, connect the USB board to your computer. An amber light will turn on and your battery will start charging!
Step 4: Programming the TinyScreen
The TinyScreen has a GPIO that lets us talk to it using I2C format, as well as 4 buttons along the side of the screen. Here we have some basic programs for your TinyScreen, the first of which is a fun little test demonstration. The second program posted can be used for displaying static text like in the picture above. The third program is a flappy bird demo played by using any of the four buttons on the side of the TinyScreen. These sketches can be downloaded to your computer, or directly uploaded to your TinyDuino processor board from the embedded Codebender plugin. Before programming, the proper drivers must be installed to detect the COM ports. These drivers must be installed before downloading any codes from the codebender plugin. The drivers needed can be found here.