Introduction: Toddler Toddy

About: I like making things out of items that would have otherwise been discarded. Check out my other projects!
Add a few limbs to your punch to give it some kick.

Any mention of this project must provide a link to with credit to Ryan McFarland.

Step 1: Wash and Weight

I purchased new limbs but you can easily find doll parts on ebay or at many thrift stores. You'll want fairly large ones and they should be vinyl and not porcelain. Wash them well in a dishwasher or by hand and use some heavy washers or bolts (that also should be washed) to weigh the open ends of the limbs down. Stainless steel would probably be the best material to avoid nasty chemicals in your brew.

Step 2: Serve Your Favorite Punch

A mixed drink that you can't see through looks best. Having fruit, sorbet, or ice floating adds to the effect and definitely serve out of a big kettle with a hefty ladle. Yum!