Introduction: Tool Holder Pegboard (1 Hour Project)

1hr Organizing project to use in workshop



-Pine wood

1" x 2.5 "

1" x 1"


16" x 24"

-Metal holder bar

15" long


1" long (pegboard)

4" long ( wall)

-Pegboard hooks from harbor freight

Step 1: Cut the Pine Wood

start cutting the pine

-Pine Wood 1"

x2 + 2.5" x 25"

x1 + 2.5" x 16"

x2 + 1" x 23.5"

x2 + 1" x 14"

Step 2: Build the Main Frame

using a staple gun or nail gun

make the frame starting with the pieces of 2.5" (picture 1)

and the 2nd step it is going to be add the pieces of 1" x 1" to the inside parts of the frame on aligned it to the back

(picture 4 and 5)

@ do not add yet the boton piece of 1"X 1"@

Step 3: Add the Pegboard------

present the pegboard on the frame ( picture 3 and 5) to be sure all the measurements are correct

and then use the 1" screws to add it on the main frame from the front part ( picture4)

Step 4: Add the Peg Board------

using the high of the plastic containers (picture 3 ) align the metal bar with the last piece of wood ( 1" x 1") and screw them together (picture 2)

using the 4" screws or the stapples gun joint the boton piece of wood to the main frame from the sides.

Step 5: Screw It to the Wall

find the main supports of the wall

level the rack on the wall

and use the drill and the 4" screws to finish the work

Now you just have to use the Pegboard hooks to keep your tools looking nice.

Anything Goes Contest

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Anything Goes Contest