Introduction: Top 3 Awesome Electronics Project Using D-882 Transistor
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Following these steps, you can make 3 awesome electronics project and circuit at home easily. You can use this circuit as like school project, college project. You also can use this circuit for your personal use.
To make this circuit, we might need some electronics component.
Those component list have to been given below.
Component List :
----------------------------------------Project No = 1 (Voltage Regulating Circuit Using D-882 Transistor)
1. Transistor - D 882
2. Volume - B 100 K
3. LED - DC 12v
4. Resistor - 2.2 Ohm (1 Watt)
5. Power Source - DC 12v
------------------------------------------Project No = 2 (DC Touch Switch)
1. Transistor - D 882
2. Resistor - 100 Ohm
3. SMD LED - 3.5 Volt
4. Battery - 9 Volt
------------------------------------------Project No = 3 (Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor)
1. Transistor - D 882 (2 Pieces)
2. Battery - 9 Volt
3. Resistor - 100 K Ohm
4. Capacitor - 47uf/16v
5. Sound Speaker
Step 1: Voltage Regulating Circuit Using D-882 Transistor
Component List -
1. Transistor - D 882
2. Volume - B 100 K
3. LED - DC 12v
4. Resistor - 2.2 Ohm (1 Watt)
5. Power Source - DC 12v
No Make 1 No Project, we use above electronics component.
We Connect D-882 Transistor emitter with B-100k volume & then we connected volume middle led with Base of D-882 Transistor. We connected DC-12v LED light negative terminal with collector of D-882 transistor.
And connect 2.2 ohm resistor (1 Watt) With Emitter of D-882 transistor and positive leg of LED light.
Step 2: Voltage Regulating Circuit Using D-882 Transistor
To operate this circuit, we use DC-12v. if you use less then 12v led light, than you can use less than 12v.
Connect DC-12v positive cable with volume. Connect DC-12v negative cable with Emitter of D-882 transistor.
Our circuit is totally ready. if you want to watch the output voltage, you can use dc meter. connect meter positive cable with positive leg of led and connect meter negative cable with negative leg of led light.
Now you can adjust voltage, just rotating the volume.
Step 3: DC Touch Switch
Component List -
1. Transistor - D 882
2. Resistor - 100 Ohm
3. SMD LED - 3.5 Volt
4. Battery - 9 Volt
To make this simple touch switch, we need above electronics parts.
First connect led negative leg with collector of D-882 transistor. Then connect 100 ohm resistor with led positive leg. Again connect the other 100 ohm resistor with Base leg of D-882 transistor.
Step 4: DC Touch Switch
Now connect, battery connector negative cable with Emitter of D-882 transistor and connect battery connector positive cable with Resistor.
Now connect battery connector with battery.
Our circuit is totally ready to use. Now if you touch your finger on both resistor then the circuit will glow & if you remove your finger from resistor then the led light be off.
Step 5: Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor
Connect one transistor Emitter with other transistor Base.
Connect 100k resistor with Collector & Base. Connect Capacitor Negative leg with Base.
Step 6: Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor
Now we need to connect Audio input cable with the circuit.
Connect audio input G cable with Emitter & connect audio input L/R cable with capacitor positive Leg.
Step 7: Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor
Now, we need to connect speaker cable.
Connect Speaker one cable with collector & connect other speaker cable with other collector.
Step 8: Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor
Now we need to connect power supply with this circuit.
Connect battery connector Negative cable with Emitter & Connect battery connector positive cable with Collector of Transistor.
Step 9: Mini Amplifier Circuit Using Transistor
Now connect battery connector with battery and connect audio input jack with mobile or audio device. You also can use mp3 Bluetooth module.
Now just, play song and enjoy.