Introduction: Touch Stylus for IPod Touch/iPhone, Any Generation

About: I love programming, writing software etc. for my computers. I also like to constantly keep my homebuilt tablet up to date.
This step by step will show you how to create a free touch stylus for you iPod or iPhone, assuming that you have a few things.
You will need;
A paperclip,
Approx. 10cm x 20cm foil, plus a little bit extra,
A pencil,
Approx. 30cms of sticky tape,
About 5 mins of spare time.

Step 1: Mould Your Paperclip

Strip down your paper clip if it is covered in plastic, if not, then ignore this sentence.
Straighten out your paper clip.
Bend the last 1 to 2 cms of your paper clip into a small circe. Wrap it around pliers, or bend it against a table.
Cover this in your extra foil.
Flatten it as much as possible.

Step 2: Fit Your Pencil

Then, using your paper clip, place the flattened end with foil onto the end of your pencil. It has to be a flat end, not sharpened.
Bend the clip so that it follows along the side of the pencil.
Wrap the clip around the pencil, and tape in place.

Step 3: Cover and Complete

Then, using your 10cm x 20cm foil, wrap this around your pencil, ensuring that it touches the end of the paper clip.
Test out your new stylus!