Introduction: Tracking the ISS Using Adruino and Onesheeld.

Have you always seen the international space station orbiting earth and wondered if you can track it down yourself? I’ve always wanted to grab a look at it whenever it passes above my location, so I used the onesheeld’s internet, notification and clock shields to get the time when the ISS will pass above my location and send me a notification on my mobile phone.

Onesheeld is a board that gets integrated with arduino to allow you to hack the different sensors provided by your smart phone, If you want to get more familiar with onesheeld, you can get started on it here

Step 1: Step 1: You Will Need,,

-An arduino (UNO or Mega or Due or Leonardo); I used an arduino UNO.

-Arduino IDE.

-Onesheeld (You can buy onesheeld from this link )

-Onesheeld mobile application. (You can download the APP from this link for IOS or from this link for andriod )

Step 2: Step 2: Getting the Data About the ISS,,

We cannot just get the data from any website; the website needs to be an API address (Application Programming Interface) so that we would be able to request/receive the data from the website.

The data we want about the ISS is the longitude and latitude of the ISS and the time it’ll pass over this specific longitude and latitude, this is the API address that we’ll be using

you can find more information on the ISS data here

Step 3: Step 3: Writing the Code,,,


-before getting into the code, I recommend you check the examples/documentation of the internet shield here

-before we insert the API address in the arduino sketch, you need to change the LAT and LON in the address with the latitude and longitude of your location, in my case it's 30&31 for Cairo,Egypt.

-the API address provides the date when the ISS will bypass over the location provided with a UNIX format while the clock shield provides it with an ordinary readable format