Introduction: Tractor Stool
My old tractor seat !
Step 1: What Hou Need
- A stool
- Some screw
- Grey paint
- Black paint
- tractor seat
Step 2: The Original Stool
One day I found in a garage sale a nice stool.
The strucuture pleased me well, but not the seat ( wooden tray white melamine )
Step 3:
I then put in search of a tractor seat.
After etched with a compressed air blaster (there were at least 3 layers of old paint )
I applied a first layer of rust gray paint .
Then the special black paint to metal.
Applying too black, I managed to get a pretty cool effect.
Step 4: Finish
It remains only to replace the board by the tractor seat.
4 large screws countersunk head and that's it!
sorry for my English