Introduction: Traffic Solver

The Traffic Solver automates traffic control within a single lane in a construction zone. For this system to work with no accidents in between, there must be two units, one on each side. Both units will have a motor and rotating holding device that will be fitted to hold a “Stop/Slow” sign. Essentially, one side of traffic will be given a “Slow” signal, while the other has a “Stop” signal to allow a flow of controlled vehicles. There are pressure sensors docked at each unit with the purpose of counting each vehicle entering and exiting. This will prevent there being a vehicle in the middle when the signs flip to switch the flow of traffic. Once the signs do switch, the side with “slow” will switch to “stop,” making it to where no side of traffic is moving. Once both sides maintain the “stop” pattern, then the opposite sign will flip to “slow” to continue the controlled traffic flow.

This system works off having the same count of vehicles entering and exiting. In the event that a work vehicle enters the system, but then turns off into the work site instead of exiting, there will be a manual override that will allow a user to correct the error within the system. Essentially, the system will not leave the “stop” setting for both signs until the error is corrected in order to maintain safety.

Step 1: Cut Plywood

Using a jigsaw or table saw, cut plywood into four something x something squares and eight something x something rectangles for the base. Also cut two octogons for the stop signs. These can be cut to any size.

Step 2: Cut and Paint the Pole

Cut a 3" PVC pipe into two 3 foot poles. Following the directions on the can, spray paint them bright orange and let dry.

Step 3: Assemble Box

If needed, sand plywood to make it flush. Then using 2" drywall screws, attach the sides to the base. Use hinges to attach the top to the base. Using a forstner drill bit, cut a hole in the center of the top. Attach handle to the top on the opposite side of the hinges.

Step 4: Print Parts

3D print the central contol box and two sleeves to connectthe motor to the PVC.

Step 5: Finish Signs

Print and laminate stop and slow signs to the size of your wooden backing. Attach laminated signs with epoxy and let dry. Attach signs to PVC with a bolt.

Step 6: Assemble Electronics

Assemble servo motor according to package instructions. Using the diagram above, connect wiring to LED screens, arduino, and servo motors. Solder wiring to arduino breadbord. Place batteries, LCD screen, and arduino into 3D printed control box. Carefully align the servo motors with the hole in the top of the box and attach with epoxy. The 3D printed sleeve can be used as a guide. Attach solar lights to the top of the box with epoxy.

Step 7: Upload Code

The final step is to upload the code to the Arduino and run it.