Introduction: Trash Can Made of Plastic Bottles

Hi there here, this it´s about a trash can made up of plastic bottles, its a little bit laborious but it worth it spend a little bit of your time to make it and go green.

All you need its a bunch of plastic bottle preferably of the same kind to make it easy.
several meters of galvanized thin steel wire
a steel frame,a tweezers, a drill and a sharp knife.

You need to cut the bottom of the bottle so you can put one bottle in other. then with the drill make a hole in the cup and make another hole in the bottle that you didnt cut. after that put the wire into the two bottles to make a species of skewer of two bottles. make as many of skewers you need to make an entire trash can and then put them in the steel fram using the tweezers to tying the bottles.

Trust me at the begining its seem to be hard but with practice it becomes easy and fun

NOTE: for the bottom of the trash can we make a cover made of black plastic bags and cardboard milk bottles, but you can also put chicken wire to avoid keep fluids in it.