Introduction: Traveller's Snack Bag Clipper
A package of snack often contains more than one serving for us. Then you have to seal it for next time serving and that may be tomorrow, the day after or even next week. Crunchy snack needs to be sealed properly to avoid being soft. Today you can get fancy colorful bag sealer sticks for as low as $1 each. They also come with various sizes.
As DIYers, why don't we make one at no cost? Yes, simply using two drinking straws. Supposing you left your bag sealer sticks at home when you are travelling. Drinking straws are there in your hotel rooms and restaurants. I think you can ask for it (er... them, we need two :D ) nicely even if you do not purchase anything from the coffee shops.
Step 1: Materials and Tool
All we need are two pieces of drinking straw. For the tool I use a scissors, but you can use any tools to cut one straw. A cutter, a knife, or anything that is sharp.
Step 2: Specify the Length
I cut off the straws at the bend points. This step is optional if you need a longer sealer stick or you have straight straws.
Step 3: Split It Lengthwise
Split one side of a straw lengthwise. Only one straw and only one side of it.
Step 4: The Unsplit Straw
Align the unsplit straw along your snack bag opening.
Step 5: The Fold
Fold the bag opening with the unsplit straw in between.
Step 6: The Split Straw
Slide the split straw along the the unsplit one, that is clipping the snack bag.
Step 7: 7 Days in Test
This peanut butter biscuit pack was running 7 days in test. I ate few pieces a day. I cut off the columns once they were empty and clipped the bag. The crackers were still crispy at day 7 when I emptied the bag. Give it a try. This is an alternative solution to keep your snack crunchy.