Introduction: Tricks for Measuring an Object With a Digital Caliper
Measuring an object with a digital caliper should be easy, but there may be some things you can check to make sure you get an accurate reading:
1. Find a digital caliper that can maintain a zero measurement when the prongs of the caliper are closed. This is important because not all digital calipers stay at zero with the prongs closed. To make sure you have the most accurate reading possible, your measurement should start at zero before you open the prongs. This will make your measurement much more accurate.
2. Clean off the prongs before you measure your piece. Accuracy is important, and cleaning off the prongs to your caliper means you will have a more accurate reading. Just clean them off with your (clean) fingers. Wipe off each side of the prongs and test the measurement at its closed position. It should read zero.
3. Clean off the piece you are measuring. Same reason as number 2, accuracy. (The piece I am measuring in the picture is a plastic spool I wanted to replicate with a CAD drawing, then print using a 3D printer.)
4. Check your measurements at multiple spots! Record your readings.
5. Accurately measuring your object means you can take those recorded dimensions, and create matching replicas or complimentary pieces for your existing object. (The pink spools in the last picture are the replicas I made with a 3D printer from the measurements of the original spool.)
-Digital Caliper
-Item you want to measure, (in these examples, I'm measuring a plastic spool that I want to duplicate.)