Introduction: Floating Hair

About: ITECH master Studio Student. Interested in Architecture, Physics, Classical Music and Pizza.

Niloofar (me) and Xiao are studying computational design and decided to make a useless machine/robot with arduino which we are learning at the moment. So we were thinking to 1. make the most of it in order to use various types of sensors and motors and 2. have a little fun with what is going on nowadays in politics. So that’s why the “ Trump’s Hair” machine was born, no offense to anyone.

Niloofar Imani
Xiao Chen

Step 1: Basics

So what we need is:


1X Uno R3 Controller Board

1X Breadboard

1X Mini Breadboard

1X USB Cable

4X 220 Ohm Resistors


Many Female to Male Dupont Wire

Many More Jumper Wires

1X Transistor

1X Donald Trump's Printed Head

1X Kim Jong-Un Printed Head

1X Box


1X Servo Motor (SG90)

1X Stepper Motor

1X 3-6V DC Motor


1X Ultrasonic Sensor

1X Photoresistor

1X ULN N2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board

So our project basically consists of 6 circuits which will be explained in details based on order.

Step 2: Stepper Motor | It's Getting Warm!

So it’s a typical sunny meeting day for Trump at the white house. Everything seems to go fine until he feels a bit warm. So what we used here to make the arc movement towards a fan, is done by a stepper motor so that we can control the steps easily. The stepper motor is working with its driver board.

Step 3: DC Motor & Ultrasonic Sensor | We Need a Fan!

While getting closer to the fan, with the help of an ultrasonic sensor , the fan starts to blow since everything is intelligently designed in the white house. Little does Trump know that his super cool Photoresistor will act a little too cool. So this is where the ultrasonic sensor will send signals to the fan to know he is getting closer and closer. So the fan starts blowing and we control it with a transistor…

Step 4: Photoresistor | Gone Hair

Enjoying the nice cool fan air, suddenly Trump’s hair is detached! And the Photoresistor sensor which is located in Trump’s head starts to decrease its resistance, and send signals to Trump which is lighten by LEDS to make him blink…

Step 5: LEDS | Trump Gets a Little Mad

Step 6: The Code

Step 7: The End

We also alternatively used a gear motor instead of stepper and it did work too. The positive thing about using a gear motor is the higher voltage and its strength which can be useful in some machines depending on the force needed to be applied.

We would like to continue on working with arduino and make different projects. So if you had any inspiration/ideas/comments let me know! :)