Introduction: Tuning Bluetooth-Controlled Car
Hi there!
We are Pedro Lopez, Gabriel Bonilla, Javier Martin and Sergio Jimenez, a group of four students from 'Creative Electronics', a Beng Electronics Engineering 4th year module at the University of Málaga, School of Telecommunications. ( ). This instructable is our final project. We took an old RC car and turned it into a Bluetooth-Controlled tuning car with frontal lights, neon lights and a hooter. Also, we can drive it with an android application that we have built.
We decided to make this project because we love RC cars, Arduinos and Android world. We had some old RC cars from our childhood, so we determinate to approach one of them for the project using our progamming knowledge on Arduino.
The materials we used are:
- Of the original RC Car, we take:
- Chassis.
- 2 DC motors.
- Arduino Uno.
- Bluetooth module.
- H bridge.
- Blue LEDs (x10).
- White LEDs (x2).
- Resistors 220 ohms (x2).
- Buzzer.Wires of different colors.
- 1.5V batteries(x5).
- 9V battery.
- Perforated plate.
- Black spray paint.
- Welder & tin.
Step 1: Tuning the Car.
At first, we had this old car. We painted it into black and we did some holes to the chassis for the blue LEDs (they will simulate our neon lights).
Step 2: Schematic.
The schematic of the project.
As you can see, in our car we used 12 LEDs (2 for the frontal lights and 10 for the neon lights), a buzzer, a Bluetooth module and an H-bridge conected to an Arduino UNO. The Arduino board needs an independent 9 V supply and the H-bridge needs only 7,5V, but in the schematic we didn't found another symbol to represent the batteries. We did the 7,5V supply with 5 x 1,5V batteries.
Step 3: H-Bridge.
This is the H-Bridge we used in our project. The model is L298N (Dual H-Bridge).
Step 4: Bluetooth Module
The bluetooth module that we used is the HC-06. This device serves to communicate our smartphone with the Arduino plate which is useful for control the car.
Step 5: LED, Buzzer and Bluetooth Module.
Also, we did an extra module for the car with a perforated plate. We connected the Bluetooth module, the LEDs and the buzzer on it.
Step 6: Arduino Code.
You can find the entire arduino code on this Github repository
Step 7: Android App
Here is the android app that we did with App Inventor. To conect with the car, you must to activate the bluetooth in your smartphone and vinculate with the bluetooth module (named HC-06, password:1234), then, you can push the bluetooth icon in the app and select the HC-06 device.
Now, you have the control! :D