Introduction: Turn Your Drinking Habit Into Hat Hooks!

Do you enjoy wine, champagne or perhaps a nice glass of bourbon? Do you have a head that sometimes needs to be covered? Why not turn those leftover corks and lids into some nice hooks to hang up your hats?

This project will use a left over lid from a bottle of bourbon, a dowel (2 sided) screw and a drywall anchor to create a unique hat hooks. The lid I am has a little personal memory for me so having it on the wall is both functional and nostalgic.


Lid or cork.

Dowel (double sided) screw. Here is a link to Amazon but please check your local hardware store first.

Hillman 726 Dowell Screw 5/16 x 2 1/2 in. 10-Pack -

Drywall anchor. Exact type depends on where you plan to hang your hook. My hats are not that heavy so a basic one I had laying around was used.

You will also want a drill and drill bit and a pair of plyers.

Step 1: PAR-TAY TIME!!

The first step is to get a drinking! Time to make that lid/cork no longer necessary...

Step 2: Pre Fit the Screw

Using your drill, pre drill a hole into the cork part of the lid. Try to keep the hole straight and not too deep.

To make it easier to attach later I go ahead and put the screw into the lid

Step 3: Put the Anchor Into the Wall

Mark your spot on the wall where you want the hook to go.

Drill a hole in the spot and as your anchor to the hole.

Go ahead and unscrew the screw from the lid.

Step 4: Time to Screw Things Together

Using the plyers as needed go ahead and attach the screw to the anchor. I screw it in a little over half way in.

Once it is where you like it go ahead and hand screw the lid into the screw on the wall.

Add a hat and your done. Phew that was hard work, you deserve a drink!


Repair and Reuse Contest

Participated in the
Repair and Reuse Contest