Introduction: Turn Your Fridge Into Smart Fridge Using an Old Android Smartphone!

About: A 10 year old kid, making Arduino things for home

On weekend I watched Wylsacom's video about Samsung SmartFridge that he seen in Barcelona.

I wondered "What if I could turn my fridge into SmartFridge and I've created an app called FridgeOS that has built-in shopping list that you can send via WhatsApp in a few taps, and it has built-in browser that automatically opens or Afisha.eda (they're most popular Russian sites with millions of recipes).

Step 1: Find an Old Smartphone That You'll Stick on the Fridge.

I had an Android 2.1 smartphone with dead battery (that doesn't matter)

You can use any android smartphone you wish but:

NOTE: Don't use your everyday smartphone for this project!!!

Step 2: Install App.

Just download and install this APK package!

Step 3: Stick It on the Fridge, Connect Charger and Have Fun!

I glued it to the fridge but you can screw it, use your imagination!