Introduction: Turn Your Old TV or CRT Monitor Into a Retro Gaming Station

About: Software Developer, Youtuber, Traveler

In this instructables i will show you how to Turn your old TV or CRT Monitor into a retro gaming station. you can also use your new television or led screen

this brings your childhood memory back

Step 1: Things Require for Building Retro Gaming Station (Hardware and Software)


  • Raspberry Pi (A, A+, B, B+, 2, Zero, or 3) - I will be using Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ its the latest edition in the family
  • Memory card and Adapter - i am using Lexcar 8 gb class 10 micro sd card
  • Laptop (Flashing purpose)
  • Cables (Check your requirments)
    1. vga
    2. hdmi
    3. micro usb cable for powering the pi + 2A Power Adapter
    4. HDMI to VGA Converter
    5. HDMI2AV Converter
  • Joystick
  • Wireless Keyboard and mouse (Wire will also work)
  • old or new CRT or LED Monitor


Step 2: Downloading and Flashing

Downloading the required software first

  • Download the Etcher flashing tool from the Above Link
  • Download the retropie from the above link (there are two link download according to your raspberry pi)

After Download and installation

  • Run the Etcher Program (Run as Administrator)
    1. Select the image which you have download
    2. Select the Memory Card
    3. Press Falsh

After completing the process the card will be ejected

Step 3: Getting Every Thing Ready

Connecting every thing together

  • Insert the Memory Card into Raspberry Pi Micro sd card slot
  • connect the joystick and keyboard mouse in usb port
  • HDMI to HDMI Port (Which ever suits you)
  • Connect to the Monitor or old tv
  • At last connect to the powder source ( pi works on 5v adapter)

Know Connect all the component show in above image

Step 4: The Setup

After You have Connected the power red and yellow led will start blinking

Note:- don't discount the power or shutdown our pi it may damage our memory card or our pi. it may corrupt our os(Retropi)

After Completing the process it will restart

  • then you will see the retropie log in restart
  • Welcome screen will appear
  • it will show to configure our joystick
  • all done every thing is ready

Step 5: Retropie ROM Installation

Installing ROM in Pi

to install roms you will require a pen drive (ensure that your USB is formatted to FAT32 or NTFS)

  • First Create a folder on your freshly formatted pen drive with name retropie
  • now plug our pendrive into the pi wait for you pen drive to stop blinking if our pendrive don't have a light wait for some time and remove it
  • now plug it into your pc/laptop and copy the roms in their respected folder inside retropie/roms
  • again plug it into the pi and let pi copy our roms on to the memory card
  • refresh emulation station by choosing restart emulation station from the start menu or restart pi

Wo La its done know you can enjoy all our child hood games

Note:- Some roms are free to download but some of them(mostly all) are illegal to download may cause you legal issue

All images use are copyright of there respected owner