Introduction: Turn a Stump Into a Natural Herb Garden
Take an old rotting stump and turn it into a beautiful natural herb garden!
Step 1: What You Need and Finding Your Stump
Materials needed:
1. Stump
2. Hand axe, crowbar or other tool for cleaning out center of stump
3. Seeds
4. Compost or potting soil
You can either find a stump on your land (or friend and family's land) or you can cut one from a down tree. This stump's middle is starting to rot making is soft and easy to clean out. You can use a stump that is not rotting but cleaning out the center will be a little more work.
Step 2: Clean Out Your Stump
Using our axe, crowbar or other digging tool beginning chipping away at the center of your stump. When cleaning out the stump make sure to not get to close to the edges, you don't want to make a hole in the side of your stump. This stump was rotting and soft enough to just chip at with a crowbar. Most of the center crumbled and fell out. Harder spots needed an hand axe to remove them. The crumbled rotting center is perfect for mixing into your compost or potting soil to help feed your herbs!
Step 3: Fill With Soil and Seeds
Once you have the center of our stump cleaned out fill it back in with your soil/compost. Plant your seeds (or herb plant) and water.
Step 4: Enjoy
Now you have a beautiful natural planter for your herb garden. You can place the stump wherever you would like in your yard and enjoy your fresh herbs!