Introduction: Turn a Gift Card Into a Hand-made Gift
The problem with gift cards is that they are very boring to open. No matter how welcome the money is, it's hard to get excited by a piece of plastic. This super easy pop-up card solves the problem: the plastic card slips right into a slot in the pop-up present. Your gift card will be wrapped in a pop-up gift-card!
The design in this instructable has a Holiday theme, but you can easily change it to a birthday card by omitting the Christmas tree, or you can check out other pop-up gift card ideas on my website,
Step 1: Preparation
You will need:
- Wrapping paper
- Small piece of ribbon
- White card stock
- Green card stock (optional)
- Tape and/or glue
- Scissors
- 5 to 10 minutes
The wrapping paper should be fairly sturdy, and either a plain color or with a simple pattern which will work on a small scale (it won't look right if you just have a small portion of a giant Santa Claus, for example). Likewise your ribbon should be narrow.
Step 2: Cut and Fold Your Pop-up Gift
Cut a long rectangle from your wrapping paper.
It should be 3 1/2 inches (9cm) by 10 3/4" (about 27.3cm)
Fold and cut your rectangle according to the pictures below.
Step 3: Attach Ribbon
Tape a short piece of ribbon across what will become the top of the gift (the rectangle opposite the gift card pocket), as shown in the first picture below.
Wrap a second piece of ribbon around your "gift" (you can tape it on the bottom and one side) and tie a bow on the top.
Step 4: Glue the Pieces Together
Fold a standard sized sheet of white card stock in half.
I cut out a portion of a Christmas tree shape with green paper, and glued it to the back of my card stock, but this part is where you can have fun and improvise. Draw, paint, leave the card plain white or cover the tree with glitter, anything, so long as you have fun doing it. Just remember that one side of the card is a plan (the floor) and the other is an elevation (a wall).
After you're done decorating your card, glue on the gift. Put a little glue on the bottom and one side of your pop-up gift and push it against the fold of your white card stock. Press down by folding your card in half and smoothing it from the outside, then by opening it up flat and pressing your gift flat from the inside.
Step 5: Give It Away!
Slip a piece of plastic in the slot at the bottom of your gift, and give your gift card away!
If you like pop-up cards you should check out my website, I have lots of templates and card ideas for everyone, from beginners to expert paper crafters... Many templates are free to download.