Introduction: Twin Flash at My Way
What's up?
I like to take macro (micro) shots. And for this reason I need a light. It is because I want ti use ISO 100. And I need greater possible DOF. And therefore F should be 16.... til 32. At normal sunny day photo is black. If you Have not artificial light.
Answer is a flash. Strong light. Fast light. To freeze movements. It shall be perfect!
So, I need to buy a flash.
Normal flashgun - illuminate from front and pictures are flat.
Ring Flash - "dedicated" for macro - the same story - pictures without deep.
Well, we need a light source from side and litlle above... about 45 degree.
Twin flash! Main from left and right to fill in...It has to be perfect!
I search web ... after days and tears, I conclude that I have not - I will not be a Jack ass for 500 ... 800 ...1000 USD.
So I turn to proven DIY.
Two smallest flashes from China.. about 24 USD.
Two optical hot shoe from China... about 14 USD.
A small Flashgun from E-bay... 25 USD... suited for ma A350.
Plate of Plexiglas 4mm and few hours in my corner. A lens hood ...
All hand made in several hours.
Pictures worth a 1000 words. Specially the last two.
You always have a choice.. to choose "dedicated" "only for me" "special" ...Jack ass for 000 USD.
Sincerely, Yours.
I like to take macro (micro) shots. And for this reason I need a light. It is because I want ti use ISO 100. And I need greater possible DOF. And therefore F should be 16.... til 32. At normal sunny day photo is black. If you Have not artificial light.
Answer is a flash. Strong light. Fast light. To freeze movements. It shall be perfect!
So, I need to buy a flash.
Normal flashgun - illuminate from front and pictures are flat.
Ring Flash - "dedicated" for macro - the same story - pictures without deep.
Well, we need a light source from side and litlle above... about 45 degree.
Twin flash! Main from left and right to fill in...It has to be perfect!
I search web ... after days and tears, I conclude that I have not - I will not be a Jack ass for 500 ... 800 ...1000 USD.
So I turn to proven DIY.
Two smallest flashes from China.. about 24 USD.
Two optical hot shoe from China... about 14 USD.
A small Flashgun from E-bay... 25 USD... suited for ma A350.
Plate of Plexiglas 4mm and few hours in my corner. A lens hood ...
All hand made in several hours.
Pictures worth a 1000 words. Specially the last two.
You always have a choice.. to choose "dedicated" "only for me" "special" ...Jack ass for 000 USD.
Sincerely, Yours.
Step 1: Basic Material
This part is very complicated. I have to draw a circles. The bigger one for the front and the smaller one for the back ring. Lens hood is conical. The I need to choose tool. The I have to cut a pancake form from Plexiglas (Lexan). 1 hour. And 13 minutes.
Step 2: Heat
Bending was made by blowing concentrated heat (usually is enough to reach 150-180 C) .
Step 3: 6 Mm Holes.
Holes. Adjustment for nuts.
Step 4: Hinge
Plexi of 4mm thickness is reinforced wit another block of Plexi to reach thickness of about 12 mm. Then i drill a hole of 5,2 mm and use taps to finish the task.
Step 5: Small Adjustment Holes
On one side i drill 3 holes (you can choose to take more) on a diametrical order. To be able to set left flash on favorite position. Then a prepare it for 4 mm screws.
Step 6: All Parts
Lens hood (conical). Front and back pancake ring. Hinge, screws, opto hot shoes and very "sofisticated" flashes.
Step 7: Hinge
All parts.
Step 8: Hinge Assembling
Well. Assembling is a you full part. It can be seen that front ring is with biiger inside diameter and the back rin have a smaller inside diameter because the hood is conical. This is conical form is used to hold the parts tight to each other.
Step 9: Test
Well, it works.