Introduction: Twisted Fairytale Halloween Party Invite

Every year I try tp come up with a new invite for our annual Halloween
party. This year it was “ Twisted Fairytales” I did a little research on the internet found a cool leathering technique and went to town.

I have to say I think this year might be my favorite.

It was a little tedious but really not hard, just time consuming. A lot of painting and gluing but I love the results.

Step 1: Outside of the Box

For this first step I used Paper Mache books,

small plastic bats,

small plastic skeletons,

metal corner décor

tissue paper,

Mod Podge ,

Metallic paints of your choice,

Hot clue.

I wanted to create a skeleton fairy for the front of the cover, so I cut the wings off the bat clued them to the front of the book then glued the skeleton on top of the wings.

I then took a sheet of tissue paper and crumpled it up. I spread it back out and used mod podge and glued the tissue paper inside and outside of the book. I used my brush to dab the clue around the skeleton fairy so that it would mold around it.

Here is the link I got my idea from , I used tissue paper instead of paper towels.

I let that dry overnight I then painted the inside and outside in a black acrylic paint.

After the paint had all dried I used a hot glue gun to trace the words “Twisted Fairytale” in hot glue on the top of the book.

Once that cooled I used a copper metallic paint to lightly brush over the raised areas both in and outside of the book.. You can use different color combinations also, i did do some with silver and they were pretty cool also.

I used gold metallic paint to brush a rough lined areas where the pages would be on the outside of the book area.

Next for outside I added the metallic corners to dress it up.

The last step on the outside was to use the copper paint and paint a heavier coat over the words so they would stand out.

Step 2: Inside the Box

For the inside of the box I used some seat cushion foam from
Hobby Lobby, 1.5 inches thick. I cut it to fit inside the box, and then I cut a little notch in the middle of the foam for the vial to nestle down in.

I got some red cloth (Hobby Lobby again) that appealed to me and tucked it around the foam. I did put a dab of glue on the bottom of the foam to hold it in place. The material is just tucked around the foam.

For the vial, I used clear vials from amazon,

some red glass gems in the floral department from Hobby Lobby , black jute, and black and purple glitter from Hobby Lobby. I made a label and printed them on sticker paper to apply to the vial.

Found some great labels here

I layered the black then purple glitter in the vial. I sealed the cork with some hot glue, and wrapped the neck of the vial with the black jute. I applied the label, then put a small amount of hot glue on the back of the vial and put it in its little home on the fabric wrapped foam.

I printed off my invites and chant on antique paper from amazon

and cut them to fit . I mod podged the invite to the inside cover of the book and put a small amount of hot glue to hold the chant in place below the vial.

For the invite i got some great ideas from the Halloween Forum in their theme room.

for the chant I just looked on Pinterest and found some i like and modified them to fit what i wanted.

Step 3: The Final Product

If you liked this instuctable check out my other invites from past Halloweens

creature survival kit

Crack Me Halloween Invite

Game Of Thrones Halloween Invite

Asylum Invite