Introduction: LED Flasher
Place:Banjarapalya E4D maker space.
1.2N3904 transistors x2
2.10µf caps x2
3.Red LEDs x2
4.470Ω resistors x2
5.100kΩ resistors x2
6.Assorted jumpers
7.A breadboard
8.9V battery
9.9V battery clip
Step 1: the Schematic Diagram.
Follow the schematic diagram for this circuit.
Step 2: Insert the Transistors and Resistors.
Fix the 2 transistors in your .Then insert the wire to the transistor to the breadboard negative side.
connect the 2 100kΩ resister to the breadboard as shown in the image.
Then you connect the 2 470Ω resister to the breadboard as shown in the image.
Step 3: Insert the Capacitor.
Insert the 2 capacitors as shown in the picture. Put the negative side of the caps on a free rail on the breadboard.
Step 4:
Fix the jumper wire and LED as shown in the image.
Step 5: Connect the Battery.
Last and finally connect the battery to the shown in the image.
Step 6: You Can Put Both Side
You can put both side LEDs.and you can put straw upon the look like nice.