Introduction: USB Bluetooth STICK!

Here is my idea of a sb stick .
I used my bluetooth dongle because it was the easyest to open but you can use any usb device .

Step 1: Tools and Stuff

Here is a List of The Tools and Materials:

Dremel multi tool (mine is a cheap replica)
drill bit for the multi tool
small rotary file for the multi tool
a saw
a long saw

a stick (from a tree)
a stick (of the USB variaty)
hot glue (the gun helps )

Step 2: Open the Stick

Using a skrewdriver carefully open your selected usb device .

Step 3: Selecting the Wood

Select the branch you want .
Saw it down .
Choose the section that suits your usb device .
Make sure it is thick enough to house th device.

Step 4: Mark the Size and Cut Out the Hole for the Usb Device

Now you will need to mark the size of the usb stick on the peice of wood .
Once you have done that you must remove the wood from the centre .
I used my dremal tool and drilled 4 holes . one in each corner . then i used the rotary file and i cut away in between the  holes .
I marked the depth on the drillbit so i got the hole deep enough in one go .
once the hole is made check the usb stick fits in , if not cut away until it does.

Step 5: The Light

Most usb sticks have lights on them to show wen they are in use.
to be able to see the light on the usb sick . First you must locate it . Then you must mark its position on the peice of wood . lastly you must drill a hole in that place .

Step 6: Glue

Now once the usb device is in the peice of wood and the hole for the light is drilled its time to glue it in . I used hot glue . unfortunatly i lost my hot glue gun to an explosion so i now just use a lighter . Melt the tip of the glue stick and push it into the joint of the two sticks . once the glue has gone in pull the stick if glue away before it hardens . nDo this right round the plug . Once it has hardened use a craft knife to trim off any left over glue or any glue that is in the wrong place .

Step 7: Finished

Now its ready to be used as a USTREE device .