Introduction: USB ESP-01 Programmer Modification for Boot Mode and Reset

The earlier generation adapter doesn't have any mechanism to put ESP-01(S) target board into programming mode by pull GPIO0 pin LOW. Beside this, the only way to reset target board is disconnect the programmer from USB port and reconnect again.

This modification allows changing of boot mode as well as reset the target board on the fly and handy.



  1. ESP01 USB Programmer Adapter
  2. Wire AGW28 ~ AWG30
  3. 6mm x 6mm tact switch x 2 pieces


  1. Soldering iron
  2. Hot melt glue gun

Step 1:

  1. Solder tact switches according to the wiring diagram.
  2. First tact switch is connected to GPIO0 and GROUND for boot mode selection.
  3. Second tact switch is connected to RESET and GROUND for reset the target board without disconnect programmer from USB port.

Step 2:

  1. Fix the tact switches to both side of yellow socket by using hot melt glue.
  2. This switches arrangement allows easier access and improve ergonomic when control both switches simultaneously.