Introduction: USB Voltage and Current Tester!! (version 2)
Since it's sometimes necessary to check your USB ports for voltage or if you are curious on what kind of Current draw your devices might be pulling, it would be great to have something to check these.
Now you can.
Instead of just hacking apart USB cables and checking these readings with a Multimeter or one of the Pen Drive style voltage checkers, this instructable will give you a tool that is painless to use.
Moving onward.....
The old version of this was OVER 13" in length with the cable, this one is only 2 1/2"!!
*NOTE: I am not using the 2 DATA wires AT ALL!! There have been some comments to use it, but if using this adapter on a HD or FLASH Device, using the DATA lines and disconnecting power frequently could/will corrupt your DATA or Filesystem.
Thank you!!!
Since it's sometimes necessary to check your USB ports for voltage or if you are curious on what kind of Current draw your devices might be pulling, it would be great to have something to check these.
Now you can.
Instead of just hacking apart USB cables and checking these readings with a Multimeter or one of the Pen Drive style voltage checkers, this instructable will give you a tool that is painless to use.
Moving onward.....
The old version of this was OVER 13" in length with the cable, this one is only 2 1/2"!!
*NOTE: I am not using the 2 DATA wires AT ALL!! There have been some comments to use it, but if using this adapter on a HD or FLASH Device, using the DATA lines and disconnecting power frequently could/will corrupt your DATA or Filesystem.
Thank you!!!
Step 1: Parts!
First we will need a few things:
1. A Flash Drive case (or something equivalent, I used a USB Bluetooth dongle)
2. Sturdy Paperclip, maybe two
3. Wire
4. A Male and a FEMALE USB connector. I got the MALE plug from an old 128MB Flash Drive a co-worker donated to the cause (THANKS GARY!)
5. a small SWITCH from an old Flash Drive
6. Adhesive of your choice (I'm using Epoxy Putty and Epoxy again for this one
7. Spray paint of your choice to make it a little prettier (I use Duplicolor for Plastic & Vinyl)
1. A Flash Drive case (or something equivalent, I used a USB Bluetooth dongle)
2. Sturdy Paperclip, maybe two
3. Wire
4. A Male and a FEMALE USB connector. I got the MALE plug from an old 128MB Flash Drive a co-worker donated to the cause (THANKS GARY!)
5. a small SWITCH from an old Flash Drive
6. Adhesive of your choice (I'm using Epoxy Putty and Epoxy again for this one
7. Spray paint of your choice to make it a little prettier (I use Duplicolor for Plastic & Vinyl)
Step 2: Step 1!!
Ok, dismantle your "sacrificial" drive or peripheral.
Let's wire the SWITCH!!
Solder ONE RED wire to the MIDDLE contact and ONE RED wire to the contact on either side.
Place the SWITCH on whatever side of the casing you desire and either use a hobby knife or a dremel to remove enough plastic to allow the SWITCH to be installed.
You will want to GLUE it into place, even if it's temporary.
Let's wire the SWITCH!!
Solder ONE RED wire to the MIDDLE contact and ONE RED wire to the contact on either side.
Place the SWITCH on whatever side of the casing you desire and either use a hobby knife or a dremel to remove enough plastic to allow the SWITCH to be installed.
You will want to GLUE it into place, even if it's temporary.
Step 3: Step 2!!
Now to prep your USB connectors.
I just went ahead and pulled the "legs" I didn't need out of the connector.
I bent the outside pins so that the connector would sit better in the plastic case and make it a little easier for soldering.
Sorry, I forgot to take pics of the MALE USB connector.
Solder a RED wire to PIN 1 and a BLACK wire to PIN 4 on BOTH connectors.
If you don't know which is which, go here:
Scroll down to the section titled USB Cables.
After the wires are soldered, you will want to secure them to the case using adhesive.
I just went ahead and pulled the "legs" I didn't need out of the connector.
I bent the outside pins so that the connector would sit better in the plastic case and make it a little easier for soldering.
Sorry, I forgot to take pics of the MALE USB connector.
Solder a RED wire to PIN 1 and a BLACK wire to PIN 4 on BOTH connectors.
If you don't know which is which, go here:
Scroll down to the section titled USB Cables.
After the wires are soldered, you will want to secure them to the case using adhesive.
Step 4: Step 3!!
Now we want to bend the paperclip into small loops using either a ballpoint pen and a pair of pliers or whatever will help you make loops.
You will need to cut and bend the wire to make a "U" shape, you will need 3 of these.
I cut a hole in the casing using a dremel to accommodate the FEMALE USB connector.
Using a drill, make the holes for the wires.
You will need to cut and bend the wire to make a "U" shape, you will need 3 of these.
I cut a hole in the casing using a dremel to accommodate the FEMALE USB connector.
Using a drill, make the holes for the wires.
Step 5: Step 4!!!
At this point, it might be easier to paint the cover before pushing the wire through.
Step 6: Step 5!!
Now here's the fun part (pain in the butt)
Let's get this bugger soldered!
Ok, the RED wires from the SWITCH, ONE red wire goes to EACH of the loops for the POWER side (the side with TWO loops)
The RED wire from the USB MALE connector goes to the end of the closest loop to it.
Same principal applies for the FEMALE USB.
Here's a picture I cobbled together (please don't comment on it, I already know that its HORRIBLE!)
Do NOT use the pic as a reference for PIN 1 & 4! The first time I put it together I had one of them switched, just use it for reference only.
Once it is wired, TEST IT!!!!
The switch should allow you to switch between measuring VOLTAGE and CURRENT.
You might want to label on the bottom of the device which position does what.
Like before:
For Voltage, the RED lead from your multimeter to either of the TWO loops on one side.
Use the BLACK lead on the SINGLE loop.
For Current: move the SWITCH, and put the BLACK lead on only ONE of the TWO loops on one side, and put the RED lead on the other of the TWO loops.
Let's get this bugger soldered!
Ok, the RED wires from the SWITCH, ONE red wire goes to EACH of the loops for the POWER side (the side with TWO loops)
The RED wire from the USB MALE connector goes to the end of the closest loop to it.
Same principal applies for the FEMALE USB.
Here's a picture I cobbled together (please don't comment on it, I already know that its HORRIBLE!)
Do NOT use the pic as a reference for PIN 1 & 4! The first time I put it together I had one of them switched, just use it for reference only.
Once it is wired, TEST IT!!!!
The switch should allow you to switch between measuring VOLTAGE and CURRENT.
You might want to label on the bottom of the device which position does what.
Like before:
For Voltage, the RED lead from your multimeter to either of the TWO loops on one side.
Use the BLACK lead on the SINGLE loop.
For Current: move the SWITCH, and put the BLACK lead on only ONE of the TWO loops on one side, and put the RED lead on the other of the TWO loops.
Step 7: Finally!!!
At this point, after I insured that it worked, I filled the case with EPOXY and called it a day.
The only thing I will be adding to it is to make it look a little better or paint something on the bare spot on the top!
There you have it guys, Happy FESTIVUS or whatever you do for holidays!!!
The only thing I will be adding to it is to make it look a little better or paint something on the bare spot on the top!
There you have it guys, Happy FESTIVUS or whatever you do for holidays!!!