Introduction: USB Fan
Ok this is a usb fan that I'm going to enter in to the usb contest so please vote for it!!!!!! If you like what I build please subscribe to me!!!!!
Step 1: Things You Need:
Things you need:
wire cutters,
Hot glue gun,(with glue sticks)
Altolds tin can,
A motor,(with a Propeller)
USB cable that you do not need,
wire stripers,
solder lron, ( with the solder)
wire cutters,
Hot glue gun,(with glue sticks)
Altolds tin can,
A motor,(with a Propeller)
USB cable that you do not need,
wire stripers,
solder lron, ( with the solder)
Step 2: Motor
OK now hot glue your Propeller to your motor.
Step 3: Cut!
Now cut a spot in one side of the can for the motor and the proper.
Step 4: More Cut!
OK now cut a spot for the cable with your wire cutters.
Step 5: Wires
Now cut your one end that does not plug in to the computer and get ride of the sever stuff and cut a away the wires that are not black and red.
Step 6: More Wires
OK now take your wire stripers and strip the black and red wires to you see the wire stuff then solder the wires to the motor and test it and if the proper is spin-en the wrong way switch the wires around and I suggest that you put tape over the wires.
Step 7: Glue More
Ok now glue the motor in place and put the usb cable in place and shut the lead.
Step 8: Done!!!!!!
OK now your Done now go fan your self!!!!!!!!!!