Introduction: Ultimate Toothpaste
Are you probleming your teeth is yellowish? because
you want the clean looking teeth your problem has a
solution just follow this very easy step and say goodbye
to the yellowish say hello clean looking teeth
you want the clean looking teeth your problem has a
solution just follow this very easy step and say goodbye
to the yellowish say hello clean looking teeth
Step 1: Get All Your Materials
You will need baking soda , bowl , mouthwash, toothbrush, and skewer
Step 2: Solid to Liquid
get your baking soda and put it on the bowl and get your mouthwash
Step 3: Pour Em Up
pour the mouthwash in the baking soda
Step 4: Looking
now this is what it looks like
Step 5: Stir
stir it up until the mixture is all ready blended
Step 6: Done
apply it to your teeth so that it will become white