Introduction: Ultimate Altoid Survival Kit #3
This is my 3rd survival kit the other 2 are named ultimate altoid survival kit, ultimate altoid survival kit #2
Step 1: Important Material!
this is a smalls altoid survival kit not regular or circular for more info look at the intro
Step 2: Materials
These are the materials i put in my altoid mini box.
1) fish hook
2) fish bait with hook
3) cough drop
4) bag of neosporin and pain reliever gel
5) 8 Tylenol
comment and view my other survival kits(look at intro)
1) fish hook
2) fish bait with hook
3) cough drop
4) bag of neosporin and pain reliever gel
5) 8 Tylenol
comment and view my other survival kits(look at intro)