Introduction: Ultraheat: the Latest in Pennystove Technology

About: Some hooligan with a computer who wants to learn anything and everything. He will post his projects here because Instructables is awesome! Old account:…

Have you ever had a bunch of empty soda cans and thought, "Darn, I wish i could make a cool camping stove with this..."

Well now you're in luck! Recycling is way too mainstream, and throwing away Aluminium is blasphemy! In this instructable, I will show you how to make a penny stove that looks ultra modern and can light up your night in any campground!

The can is approx. 4.5 cm tall and 7 cm wide, which will fit into any backpack or pants pocket, therefore making it a good instructable for the pocket-sized contest. Also, the hole in the center can be used to keep a bottle of fuel, making this space-efficient.

Exact measurements: 4.5 cm height with 6.5 cm diameter. It's a cylinder


  • Two 12 oz coca cola or pepsi cans
  • A razor blade
  • A bit of scrap wood
  • Duct tape
  • A ruler
  • JB weld epoxy for steel w. hardener
  • Hammer and small nail
  • Needle nose syringe and alcohol
  • A small rat-tail file or sandpaper
  • A toothpick

Step 1: Scoring the Can Part 1

Scoring means to make little cuts with the razor blade. In order to make an even score, use your scrap wood to make a platform.

Make sure one is 1 cm thick, 3 cm thick, and 4 cm thick. You don't have to use wood either, by the way. I just used it because I had it. You can use anything that is flat with those heights.

Use your duct tape to hold the scrap wood together if you did something like what I did.

Make sure the top is level and flat.

Step 2: Scoring the Can Part 2

Score one can with the hole (the hole you drink out of) facing the ceiling using the 3 cm platform and the razor blade.

To score:

  • Score one can with the hole (the hole you drink out of) facing the ceiling using the 3 cm platform and the razor blade.
  • press the blade onto the can and rotate the can so that the blade makes scratches in the can.
  • Do this slowly and make sure the cut is even for the best results.
  • You should see a ring form around the can from doing this.
  • Rotate three or four times.
  • Now carefully stab the can into the razor blade, and use your thumb to finish the cut.

Repeat the steps with the other can, only this time, use the 1 cm tall platform.

Step 3: Scoring the Can Part 3

Now you've removed the bottom of the cans using the 1 cm and 3 cm platforms, you will use one of the cans to cut the 4 cm tall inner wall


  • Take the half-cut can and line it up along the platform with the razor blade on top (like in part 2) so that the drinking hole is facing the ceiling.
  • Score just as before
  • You should end up with a cylinder of aluminium like in the above photo


  • Take that cylinder and cut it down the middle on one side to form a sheet (see pics)
  • cut off a piece to make it a rectangular sheet (again, check the pics)

Step 4: Scoring the Can, Part 4

Last part in scoring, and it's really easy.

You will be doing this to both the cans that you cut

Use your razor and score along the bottom of the can (in one of the pictures, there is a blue highlight on how the score should look like). Then, use the needle nose pliers and the nail to poke a hole through the center of the can, and rip out that aluminium in the middle.

Also, use the rat tail file to smoothen out the burrs

Step 5: Apply JB Weld and Crimp

First do the crimping.

  • Pick any can end (i chose the 1 cm one) and use your pliers to fold little bends into the edge like shown

Now we apply epoxy

Remember that sheet of aluminium from part 3? We need that now to become our inner wall.

  • Take your JB weld and use a toothpick to mix equal amounts of hardener and resin on something (literally anything you don't mind getting dirty)
  • then apply that mix on the sheet and can ends (check the pictures).
  • Make sure the cylinder you form with the JB weld can fit in both can ends (look on the pictures where I put JB weld)
  • Place wall inside the non crimped can end where the JB weld is
  • Now stuff the crimped can end into the non crimped can end so that the inner wall and non crimped can make the stove

Then let that stuff dry for 12 hours at least. I let it dry for a day before i moved on

Step 6: Hammer Time

Super simple

Take your hammer and nail, then gently poke some holes into the can top like shown in the pics. Poke 14-16 holes

When you do this, you're done!

Step 7: Citations and Stats


can support 127 pounds of vertical force (565 newtons if you're a science guy) with zero problem

JB weld strength (according to label): 3500 PSI

JB weld tolerance: 530 degrees F

I threw it off a 3 story building and it survived with no damage at all (save it be scuffs to the paint)

It works

Citations: this was based off a project by Jay West. youtube: