Introduction: Ultrasonic MIDI Control.

I made a music tool that can be used either in tandem with a computer or hooked up directly to a MIDI playback system. The computer in this case only does the translation of the notes sent by the Arduino through a MIDI to USB converter.

P.S: Hi Prof George. I made this to demonstrate one of the ideas that came out of today's brainstorming.

Step 1: Parts List

For this project you will need:

-Arduino Uno ( or any other Arduino for that matter)

-HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor

-5 pin din connector

-220 Ohm resistor

-connector wires

Step 2: Wiring

Connect all pins of the Arduino as shown in the picture.

Step 3: Code

The code I used is fairly simple and inefficient but it does a good job at showing the final product.

Step 4: Demonstration