Introduction: Umbrella Room Decorations
Do you have an old umbrella lying somewhere in your house? Use this tutorial to spruce up your house with up-cycled, completely customizable room decor!
Step 1: Materials You'll Need
-Old umbrella
-Glue gun
-Construction Paper
-Fake tea-light candle
-Holiday decorations
-Spherical ornaments in different size (small, medium, large)
Step 2: Step 1. Cut Off Vinyl
Cut off the vinyl/fabric but leave the protective nubs on for safety!
Step 3: Options
Option 1. Crib Mobile
☆Use construction paper to create alphabet/number panels
☆Use glue gun to attach them on to the ends of each string
☆Tie loops on the other ends of each string
☆Hang the loops at the tips of each arm of the umbrella (use glue gun for extra bond)
Option 2. Romantic Chandelier
☆Wrap holiday string lights around the arms
☆Use glue gun to attach fake tea-light candles at the tips of each arm of the umbrella
Option 3. Holiday Decoration
☆Use holiday ornaments to turn your umbrella into your own seasonal chandelier
Option 4. Solar System Mobile
☆Paint the spherical ornaments according to these sizes and colors:
Mercury - small - light beige
Venus - small - brownish orange
Earth - small - blue/green
Mars - small - reddish orange
Jupiter - large - light brown/white
Saturn - medium - yellowish brown
Uranus - medium - light blue
Neptune - medium - dark blue
☆Cut construction paper into a donut shape that fits Saturn to create its rings
☆Use glue gun to attach the paper on to Saturn
☆Use glue gun to attach spherical ornaments on to the ends of each string
☆Tie loops at the ends of each string
☆Hang the tips at the tips of each arm of the umbrella (use glue gun for extra bond)
Option 5. Galaxy Projection Planetarium
☆Cover umbrella arms like a tarp with dark construction paper
☆Cut out stars in paper with scissors
☆Place in front of flashlight (or any light source) in a dark room
☆Your personal galaxy should project onto your wall!
Step 4: Hang the Umbrella Upside Down