Introduction: Umeshu
Umeshu is a delicious, bright and fresh infused Japanese liquor made out of green plums, sugar and sake.
2-3 lbs. hard, green plums
1 C. sugar
2 large bottles sake
Large jar
2-3 lbs. hard, green plums
1 C. sugar
2 large bottles sake
Large jar
Step 1: Find Green Plums
The most inexpensive way of getting fruit is harvesting fruit from your neighborhood. If you know of a plum tree in your neighborhood, you may skip this step. Otherwise, you may locate plum tress in your neighborhood by going to Public Trees Map at the Neighborhood Fruit website. Put your zipcode and distance (ex. 94110 and 1) and search. Take note of the tree addresses and get ready for your adventure!
Step 2: Pick Plums
Pick green plums when they're still hard and tart. Put them into a bucket or some other hard-sided container to transport home, so they don't get smushed.
Step 3: Combine Plums and Sugar
Layer the washed green plums with sugar in the bottom of a large jar. Repeat until you run out of plums. Dump the sake over the plums and sugar.
Step 4: Date and Lable Your Umeshu
Pull out a sharpie and write the date that the umeshu will be ready on the top of the infusion jar. Seal the jar to be air and water tight, and put the jar away to infuse for three months in a cool, dark spot like the pantry.
Step 5: Wait Three Months
Yeah, it takes a long time for umeshu to be ready - you may tap your fingers on the desk waiting to be ready, or you may let it be and then come back to it in three months.
Step 6: Did You Find More Fruit Trees? Share Your Knowledge! (optional)
Did you find more trees trees on public land that aren't showing up on the Public Tree Map when you were out fruit picking? Please register it so that others can enjoy them too!
Step 7: Ladle Out and Enjoy!
Ladle out the umeshu. Best to use fancy glasses and serve with plums, like martini. Enjoy!