Introduction: Understand Flathead Catfish Behavior

About: I am a Texas based professional catfish guide that operated in North Texas and I also manufacture a popular catfish bait. In addition, I write a popular blog about catfishing called Learn To Catch Catfish whe…
Flathead catfish are the bruisers of the catfishing world and are highly sought after by anglers that want to catch a trophy catfish. The flathead catfish grows to substantial sizes but can also be very difficult to catch and many anglers choose the wrong baits, the wrong catfish rigs and the wrong locations when they target these fish.

Flathead catfish feed primarily on live bait and are suspected to stay in a relatively small location to live and feed, which is part of what makes this fish so allusive to catch at times if everything is not approached correctly.

Anglers that target flathead catfish often refer to the areas that these fish live and feed in as "runs" and it is not uncommon for anglers to get in the water barefoot in shallow water areas and feel for long smooth depressions with their feet in attempts to locate these "runs" as many believe these fish follow the same path or "trail" if you will when they feed. 

With this in mind and the major misunderstanding of the habits of these fish I filmed some videos of the live tank at Cabela's in Fort Worth Texas showing the flathead catfish and exactly what they spend much of their time doing. Once you understand flathead catfish behavior it gives you a better insight into why these fish can be so allusive to catch while catfishing.