Introduction: Upcycle Teapot Garden

do you have old teapot that you want to throw away? do you have old teapot that broke a little from the top. do you have a pot that you just don't need. Do you love gardening but don't have any extra room? Well if you answered any of these questions your in luck because with a old teapot, some soil, and seeds you can make a mini small portable garden!


Old Teapot



And your

Step 1: Gather Gather and Gather

Get your supplies ready.

  • An old teapot
  • Soil
  • Seeds
  • And your hands

Step 2: Fill Fill and Fill

Fill your teapot half way with your soil.

Step 3: Poke Poke and Poke

Now poke a fews holes in your soil with the pointy end of a pencil.

Step 4: Drop Drop and Drop

Drop a few seeds in your soil.

Step 5: Water Water and Water

When you want to water your plant, pour the water from the water from the spout so the roots get water.

Trash to Treasure Contest

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure Contest