Introduction: Upcycled Glowing Toilet Plunger Lamp!

Turn this cool looking toilet plunger into a modern looking lamp.

Step 1: Whats Needed!

You will need a toilet plunger, this one also twists open.
Lamp cord, lamp socket, and a zip tie (not in the picture) and a dremel with a small drill bit attached. A 9 watt CFL light bulb.

Step 2: Drill Hole in Plunger.

Drill a small hole in the center on top of the pluger.

Step 3: Unsrew Top of Plunger.

Unscrew plunger and insert lamp cord through the hole ontop of plunger. Pull the cord till it is at least 2" out of the top of plunger and inside the bottem half.

Step 4: Find Distance for the Lamp Base to Be Secure in Plunger.

Place plunger on table and unscrew base. Place bottom half next to lamp cord to see where the socket will fit inside bottom half of plunger. Make 2 hole's in the side of plunger and separate the lamp wires using a flat nose screw driver.(make sure not to cut the outer skin of the wire)This is to secure the lamp cord so it doesn't pull up or down. (Don't secure just yet!)

Step 5: Secure Lamp Socket to Lamp Cord.

Thread lamp cord through plunger. lamp cord has a smooth wire which should connect to golden screw on socket and other wire connects to the other screw. I put hot glue on top of screws so not to get socked later. Screw CFL light bulb in.

Step 6: Heat Release Holes.

Drill 4 small holes in the top of the bottom half of plunger above the socket (just to be on safe side.)

Step 7: Secure Cord to Plunger.

Pull lamp cord up through plunger till the hole in the lamp cord is next to the hole in the middle of the plunger. Thread zip tie through and pull secure. Snip zip tie. Srew plunger together.

Step 8: Hang and Plug In!

Hang your new light and plug in.