Introduction: Use Cardboard to Make a Billfold or Wallet!
This is an easy to make a billfold out of cardboard.
Step 1: Tools and Materials I Used
One piece of thin cardboard. Then I used scissors for cutting the paper needed, glue of course, clamps to hold while gluing, paint brushes, and finally, some high gloss polyurethane varnish, water based. For the driver's license compartment, I used a piece of plastic,3 and 7/8ths by 2 and 7/8ths in.
For the edging "leather" I used kraft paper, cut to 3/4in in width. Interior compartments are made of a heavy cardstock.
For the edging "leather" I used kraft paper, cut to 3/4in in width. Interior compartments are made of a heavy cardstock.
Step 2: Cut the Cardboard
I used a thin piece of corrugated cardboard to hold down the bulk. The size of the piece is 4x9 and3/8ths in.
Step 3: Cover Edges With Kraft Paper
This would be leather on a typical billfold, but for our purpose, strips of kraft paper are used. Fold the pieces in half, lengthway, then glue to the cardboard. Use a liberal amount of glue so that the entire strip of paper is covered and will adhere to the billfold.
Step 4: Make Credit/Debit Card Pockets
I used a colored cardstock here,again to hold down total bulk of the bill fold. I wanted space for three cards, so needed three pieces of cardstock. See pictures for descriptions on how to glue these and leave enough space for the cards.
Step 5: Make Driver Licence Compartment
Here. I cut cardstock into 3/4 inch strip and long enough to make a border completely around the compartment. I salvaged a piece of plastic from a package I had on hand, cut to the dimensions of 3 and 7/8ths by 2 7/8ths in.
Step 6: Make Driver License for Intended User
In this instance, Micky needed a driver license to drive in California! (It's a Micky Mouse Billfold!). I used my license with a picture of Micky, then added the information by typing it out on the computer, cutting and pasting with a minimum of glue, then took a picture, printed it out and trimmed to fit.
Step 7: Paint the Puppy
I wanted to achieve a leather look, so chose colors that would accomplish that. A first coat of burnt sienna (acrylic) paint is used, and allowed to dry. I then sideloaded my brush and painted around the perimeter with a darker shade, asphaltum. Stitching is added by making dots with a marker, then joining the dots with a liner brush. Each stitch has a highlight of lighter paint, and a shadow, made with black paint. See Pictures!
Step 8: Voila! One Virtually Free Billfold of Cardboard!
You could actually carry this if you wanted to. Kids can have fun with it too, use monoply money, phony driver licenses with their pictures on them, and old, outdated credit cards. (with the numbers sanded off!). Paste their pictures on your license with just a dab of white glue....type out the drivers information on the word processer and cut and paste (literally) unto the license. Take a picture or scan and print out the driver's license.