Introduction: Use GPIOs Blocked by Speaker in Kano Computer
In the Kano Computer, the Speaker blocks two free GPIO pins that otherwise can be used (not required by the speaker). These GPIO are 5V and 3.3 V output GPIO. These are important because the other 5V GPIO is used by the speaker, so this blocked one is the only one available for use for sensors, etc.
In this Instructable, we show how to attach a jumper in these pins without modifying the speaker.
The result is a Kano computer with the speaker in its original place and two jumpers (available for use) connected to 5V and 3.3 V, as seen in the image.
In the video we show the simultaneous use of the 3.3V GPIO pin to power a led and the speaker.
Step 1: Remove the Plastic End From the Female End of the Jumper
To connect jumpers to the blocked pins, we first need two jumpers with a female end. We remove the plastic end of a female end of each jumper because the speaker has two free plastic ends for connecting jumper ends.
To remove the plastic end, unlock the plastic end as seen in the image and pull the cable.
Step 2: Detach the Kano Speaker From the Case.
Unplug the kano power and HDMI and the speaker from the kano. Then, open the acrylic case of the Kano as seen in the image.
Unplug the kano speaker cables from the raspberry GPIOs, as indicated by the arrows.
Step 3: Connect the Jumpers to the Kano Speaker
The cables of the Kano speaker have two freely available jumper ends. Connect the ends of the jumpers prepared in Step 1 to these free ends, as seen in the images (it is a simple "click").
Step 4: ...And Atach to the Kano.
Attach again the jumpers from the speaker to their original GPIOs as seen in the image, and close the case. Now you have 6 jumpers connecting to the blocked GPIOs, four go to the speaker and two go jumpers with free ends.
Plug again all Kano cables (Kano sound output to speaker, HDMI, power).