Introduction: Use Rit Fabric Dye in This New Technique and Get Watercolor Effect
Fall colors are my favorites:
burgundies, browns, burnt oranges, olives.
But I was hardly finding these colors in the stores.
So I decided to dye.
I used Rit fabric dye and Rit ColorStay Dye Fixative.
My imperfect method resulted in easy watercolor effects.
Step 1: Steps 1-6 of Mixing Dye and Shirts
How to Rit Dye white a white t-shirt
to get easy fall colors in a watercolor effect/technique.
Things you need:
*6 pack of white t-shirts
* 6 five-gallon-buckets
*at least 6 colors of Rit Dye
(I had 6 colors, then I added brown to them for fall colors)
*Rit Dye ColorStay Dye Fixative (2-3 bottles)
*A stainless steel long handled stir spoon
* measuring spoons and cups
*Dish liquid
My Method to get a watercolor effect:
1. Pour into each bucket:
* 1 gal of cold water
* 1 tsp of liquid dish soap
* 1/3 cup of vinegar
* 1/3 cup of salt
* 1/2 bottle of liquid dye
2. Stir well
3. Add 1 t-shirt to the first bucket
The Rit instructions say
pre-wet it thoroughly,
but for more of a splotchy/water color effect
just add dry shirt dirctly into dye
and swish around
getting dye thoroughly into the shirt.
4. Repeat for the next 5 shirts.
5. Pull shirt out when preferred color is acheived
6. To get fall colors:
*Allow the first dye color the soak in
*then take out shirt
*and add to that bucket of dye
*1 Tbsp of Dark Brown dye
*put shirt in
*swish thoroughly
*and pull out when desired color is reached
which may be immediately
or 2-3 minutes later.
Step 2: Steps 7-9: Technique Using Rit ColorStay
7. Dump out each bucket of dye
8. Next, use the Rit Dye ColorStay Dye Fixative with COLD water
To get a more pronounced water color effect, by:
*pouring 1 gallon of COLD water to each bucket
*add 8 Tbs (tablespoons) of ColorStay to each bucket
* put shirt in and swish thoroughly
* let set for 20 minutes
* empty bucket
*squeeze shirt of excess (dye and fixative)
*notice the watercolor effect
*put shirt in washer with very little soap
using cold water
*dry (heat helps set dye)
9. Shirt is done
Step 3: Step 10: Stencilling With Acrylic Paints
10. If you want to add a stencilled neckline
*you can use acrylic paints
*and some stencils for shirts
*hang shirt onto a hanger
*tape thick newspaper (to hanger)
between front & back of shirt
so paint does not bleed to back
*cut stencils as you like
*and adhear to places on neckline
*using one color of acrylic paint (preferrably lighter) for the first stencilling
* remove stencils
* wash stencils in sink and pat dry
*let shirt dry
*position stencils slightly different
(can flip the stencil, or use on opposite side, etc.)
* choose a darker acrylic paint
for the second stencilling
*let it dry
*use fabric glitter (a glue with glitter)
can brush it on top of the stencilling
because glitter is magical dust
that makes all things beautiful.