Introduction: Using an Airsoft Pistol

About: Yo yo Chris here, pro gamer parkourist and hacker, and a YouTuber up in here. Y'all be trippin over my hot 'ibles, so ill keep it flippin round here. I like to freestyle rap and anything related to weapons sur…
How to use an airsoft Heres how (derp)!

Step 1: Read the Owners Manual!

This manual tells almost everything you need to know...almost. Ill tell you everything else.

Step 2: Everything Else :O

Read instructables on how to start airsoft. Remember, this is not real war! But you should be at least a little serious about it. Its about having fun, and winning! :D

Step 3: Start Shoot'n!

Now load up your mag with bb's. Cock the slide back, aim, and fire! Make sure you and others wear eye protection before playing! HAVE FUN!!! :D