Introduction: VR Glasses Out of Plywood

During a project of our Masters (TCfD) we had to explore a technology and make something with it. We chose laser cutting, which is not special itself, but when using it to make wood flexible, it becomes interesting. We decided to apply this into a 'make it yourself' VR glasses. These cheap versions of cardboard VR glasses is booming but we made it one step more luxurious. This version is out of birch plywood and easy to personalize and assemble without the use of any glue (so also easy to disassemble again).

Step 1: Personalized VR Glasses Out of Plywood

What do you need?

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • 3mm plywood
  • Velcro
  • Elastic band (+/- 25 cm)
  • Double sided tape
  • Stapler (4 staples)
  • Plastic lenses (these can be ordered or made by yourselfusing a plastic botle:
  • Laser cutter

What to do?

Download the illustrator file. Follow the instructions which you can find in the layer instructions. Make sure, that you don't send this layer to the lasercutter (the arrows will be cutted). Personalize the file to your taste.

Step 2: Setting-up

Import your lasercut file into the software (For instance lionlaser) or go to a company that is able to make laser cutted designs. Mind the different layers for cutting, engraving and depth engraving that these must be in separate layers. When preparing the machine to cut, you should keep in mind to adjust the settings per layer. Values are dependending on the laser head and machine, these settings will differ. The engraving depth should be +/- 1,5mm.


Place wood into the machine and make sure the height of the nozzle is correct and start laser cutting!

Step 3: Checking

Take out your wooden plate and to see if the settings were programed correctly. You can check this by testing if the wood easily comes out of the plate and bends properly along the patterned edges. If this is not the case, revisit your settings and try again. This is a process of trial and error (check if the mirrors for transmitting the beam from the resonator to the material are clean).

A point of attention: if you crank up your cutting values too high your workpiece may catch fire, do not leave the machine out of sight!

Step 4: Assembling the Glasses

  1. Put the lenses in between the two gogle layers, the engraving should be in the middle, make sure the less curvy side of the lens is facing your eyes.
  2. Hold the layers together and place them in the housing. One layer has two holes between the eye holes, make sure these holes are facing the opposite side of the eyes.
  3. Fold the nose part 180 degrees and put it in the connection points.
  4. Now close the housing by inserting all the connection points and by closing the connection at the end.
  5. Attach some velcro at the two ends of the elastic band using a stapler, preferably more than 1 staple per side. Put some double sided tape on the other side of the connecting velcro parts.
  6. Now put the elastic band through the side slots, fold the band backwards (to reduce tension on the velcro) and attach the velcro using the double sided tape.
  7. Put velcro on top of the housing and on the end of the lit, using double sided tape to enable the lit to close.

Step 5: The WOW Moment

Now it is time to download a VR-app or movie on you smartphone. Slide it into the phone compartment and close the lit. You may have to adjust your VR-settings on your phone. For the right settings scan the QR-code (in the instructable). Now it's time to enjoy and share this joy with your friends!